60 minutes
Johnson & Johnson Innovation LLC focuses on accelerating all stages of innovation worldwide and forming collaborations between entrepreneurs and Johnson & Johnson’s global healthcare businesses. Johnson & Johnson Innovation provides scientists and entrepreneurs with one-stop access to science and technology experts who can facilitate collaborations across the pharmaceutical, medical device and consumer companies of Johnson & Johnson. We connect with innovators through our regional Innovation Centers; Johnson & Johnson Innovation – JLABS; Johnson & Johnson Innovation – JJDC, Inc.; and our business development teams to create customized deals and novel collaborations that speed development of innovations to solve unmet needs in patients. Key Therapeutic Areas of Interest: Cardiovascular and Metabolism; Immunology; Infectious Diseases and Vaccines; Neuroscience; Oncology; and Pulmonary Hypertension. Key Therapeutic Areas of Interest: Cardiovascular and Metabolism; Immunology; Infectious Diseases and Vaccines; Neuroscience; Oncology; and Pulmonary Hypertension.
