Patient Advocacy Summit 2019

November 6, 2019 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Marriott Boston Cambridge, 50 Broadway, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142 USA

Add to Calendar 11/6/2019 8:00:00 AM 11/6/2019 4:30:00 PM Patient Advocacy Summit 2019

MassBio's Patient Advocacy Summit brings together the patient advocacy community to showcase best practices and cutting-edge examples of how life sciences companies can more fully incorporate the patient voice into the work they do—not just approaching regulatory applications or at commercialization, but throughout the drug development cycle.

This year we'll explore competing views on what value therapies bring to various stakeholders, what a cure is worth to patients and society, how to improve the clinical trial experience for patients, and more. We will also have a frank discussion about patient access in the era of transformative therapies, and you’ll hear directly from patients on what this means to them.

The program includes panel discussions, case study presentations(spotlighting industry/patient partnerships), an inspirational keynote address, as well as a networking lunch and cocktail reception.

See sponsorship opportunities here, or contact Laura Rudberg.

Marriott Boston Cambridge, 50 Broadway, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142 USA
Chief Patient Officer and Executive Vice President Pfizer Inc
During her 35-year career in medicine, Freda Lewis-Hall has been on the frontlines of health care from the standpoints of a clinician, a researcher, and a leader in the biopharmaceuticals and life sciences industries. The common thread throughout has been her passion to advocate for health equity and improved outcomes for all patients. Trained as a psychiatrist, Dr. Lewis-Hall began her medical career in patient care and became well known for her work on the effects of mental illness on families and communities and on issues of health care disparities. She has held positions of leadership at the Howard University Hospital and College of Medicine, Vertex, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly and Pfizer. Some of her many achievements include founding the Lilly Center for Women's Health in the 1990s; serving on the board of the U.S. Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) since its inception in 2010; creating Pfizer's public health information program Get Healthy Stay Healthy in 2012; launching the industry's first public compassionate access request portal, PfizerCARES, in 2015; and spearheading the creation of SpringWorks Therapeutics, a new company working to develop promising new treatments in underserved areas of urgent medical need, in 2017. From 2009 to 2018, Lewis-Hall served as Pfizer's Chief Medical Officer, responsible for the safe, effective and appropriate use of Pfizer's medicines and vaccines, and in this role she reshaped Pfizer's medical policies and practices to intensify the company's focus on patient engagement and inclusion. In her current role as Chief Patient Officer of Pfizer, Lewis-Hall is working to extend the reach of Pfizer's patient-facing health information and education and amplify the voice of the patient inside and outside Pfizer.

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