Add to Calendar 1/24/2019 8:00:00 AM 1/24/2019 10:00:00 AM Building an IP Fence Around Your Drug Device Combination Product For combination products, device IP can supplement IP covering the drug molecule to add significant further protection. As combination products evolve to operate in a more patient-centered ecosystem, blending drugs, devices, and services to improve patient outcomes, device IP not only encompasses traditional delivery, diagnostic, & monitoring devices, but is also evolving to include hardware, software, and data mining. But complexity, development, and ownership issues make it challenging to secure strategic patent protection to cover this broad range of technologies. This panel will discuss how device IP may add value to your combination product, and how to build such a portfolio. MassBio, 300 Technology Square 8th Fl, Cambridge, MA 02139
Senior Counsel - Sanofi
Jeremy Bond is a Senior Counsel with Sanofi’s Global IP Department, with over 15 years of experience in medical devices. He has degrees in physics & mechanical engineering from the University of Western Australia, biochemistry from Boston College, and law from Suffolk University. Mr Bond has extensive experience in many US and worldwide aspects of intellectual property law related to medical devices. He has lead technical teams in the construction of detailed IP landscapes and databases, invalidation of numerous patents, and designing work-around options to avoid patent infringement. Mr Bond worked for almost ten years at a US IP law firm, where his practice focused primarily on prosecution, opinion, and strategic matters for a wide range of medical device companies. He also managed a large portfolio of device-related patent applications for a large pharmaceutical firm. At Sanofi Mr Bond is responsible for various drug delivery platforms, including safety systems and auto-injectors, and assists with US regulatory matters.